Sunday 16 August 2015

Edmonton Public Library Book Sales

This past Friday I went to my first EPL book sale at Stanley Milner Library downtown. I'd heard about them many times before and never got around to going. Now I'm going to have to go every time!  I think the next one is in November!!

I'm not 100% sure where they get the books they sell. Some are definitely from the stacks, as they have stickers on them. But some appear to be from other sources. I guess it's possible that some were books that were donated but not needed for the stacks. But there were a lot of boxes from Better World Books as well - which makes me wonder if BWB tries to sell their donated books to raise funds. Not sure. 

Regardless I was really impressed with the selection AND the quality. Some of the books were fairly recently released in brand new condition. And for paperbacks it only costs $1 per book and hardcovers are $2 per book. You really can't go wrong there!

They also sell DVDs, music CDs, and audio books. Plus they have a table of special stuff that's specially priced. I don't know about the CDs or audio books, but the DVDs were $2 each and I got 6 of them. All movies I've seen before but didn't own. There were probably more I could have taken but I held back!!

I bought only fiction books this time. They had tables of non fiction as well but I didn't spend too much time there because I saw them last and was already tired!  Plus it was more crowded in that room.  Next time I'll start with the non fiction!!

The sales are always 3 days long - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday's they sell the books for $10 a box. Considering I filled a box about ½ full and paid $34 - the $10 a box deal is excellent. The only problem is that you're left with whatever remains on Sunday after 2 days of people going through everything. 

I'd go back today (Sunday) but I'm sure what I got Friday is enough for this week!

One of the books I got is for my mom for Christmas. The next sale in November may offer even more Christmas presents!!  It's August and I've already bought about ½ my Christmas presents for this year!  Yay!

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